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In a traditional way of working, many interactions are facilitated through direct channels such as email. While email or direct messaging may have some benefits, many teams leveraging this way of working lack overall speed and transparency. This breakdown in team collaboration can lead to confusion, miscommunication, lost time, and an undersharing of important information.

Slack Chat

Slack provides a platform where teams can utilize its persistent chat to communicate as a team. Teams can set the norm of utilizing the group chat for the majority of conversations to keep the team informed.

The capability of persistent chat ensures that important information is retained and not lost, while allowing for ongoing real-time conversation.

Chat Integrations

Powerful plugins and integrations with other tools like build pipelines or ticket updates can also keep the team automatically updated by communicating messages in their room. However, be careful of noisy rooms and notification fatigue!


  • @mention individuals, groups, or the entire room.
  • Threads
  • Emojis
  • Formatting options (plain, rich, and code)
  • File sharing
  • Video / phone calls (some versions)

Coming from the world of bloated inboxes and endless unread messages, teams will love using persistent chat to stay in touch with their team, from status updates to blockers and debugging, to sharing memes and personal updates from the weekend.