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TFE Workspace

View TFE Organization and Workspace

Once we have Terraform installed, let's take a look at our Terraform Enterprise (TFE) workspace. Go to and login via Okta. You'll want to bookmark TFE for future use within your project.

Terraform Enterprise is a centralized location that stores standard modules and our state files (we will cover these concepts later). Additionally, all infrastructure changes run via Terraform will be run on the TFE box. This provides many benefits, including centralizing versioning, history, and traceability.

Overview of Terraform TFE

Terraform Enterprises separates projects into Organizations, and within each organization exist specific Workspaces in which the Terraform executions are applied.

Each workspace should represent an environment for your application. For example, each app would have the following workspaces: app-dev, app-model, app-prod. TFE workspaces retain the run history, stores the Terraform state, and houses environment variables.

In the Dojo, we will use the Corporate-Functions organization for sandbox usage. Your workspace(s) should already be provisioned; talk to your coach about which workspace you will use for your workshop.

See the official documentation for managing TFE and creating workspaces.