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Pull Requests in ADO

At this point, we have committed changes, whether your original commit or the resolved merge conflict commit. The next step is to push changes from your branch back up to ADO.

Submit (or update) your pull request

Create a new pull request, and make sure that the target repository is your forked repo (by default, a forked repository will try to push changes back to the upstream repository).

If you have an existing pull request and push additional changes to your branch (eg after resolving a merge conflict), your PR will automatically be updated and the status will be reset; you do not need to create a new PR.

Pull requests are defined from branch to branch. Therefore, new changes to the source branch will automatically be reflected in the existing pull request.

Did you encounter a merge conflict?

If you do not encounter a merge conflict at this point, continue to complete the PR. One suggestion: hurry and merge your branch before someone else puts their change in, potentially creating a new conflict for you!

However, even if you may (or may not) have encountered conflicts locally and resolved them, there may have been new changes into main that could result in a merge conflict. If you encounter a merge conflict in ADO on your pull request, then you should resolve these locally. You will need to go back and update your local repo and then you can continue to resolve the conflict and update your PR.

The process of identifying, reviewing, and resolving merge conflicts can vary by team or individual. If a conflict exists but you forget to pull in the target branch before pushing, then ADO would produce a warning when submitting a PR. A similar process of resolving conflicts with local development exists within ADO; however, changes should be made locally, followed by local builds and tests within SDLC practices.

PR reviewer instructions

Reviewers should thoughtfully and carefully analyze the changes in the PR. This includes browsing the various tabs in the PR, specifically the Conflicts tab to verify or call out any conflicts.