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Merge Conflicts

This lab is designed to help you learn how to handle merge conflicts and resolve changes as a team.

Estimated time to complete: 1 hour


You will work as a team to update your team's promo landing HTML page. There will be three changes: the navigation links, the app image, and the call-to-action button text. Each of you will make your own changes to the same file on your own branch. With each team member working on the same lines of code on the same file, a conflict should arise when attempting to merge your changes. Your team will need to work together to determine which changes to accept into the primary branch.

  • Break up into teams of 3-4.
  • Everyone on each team will make changes to their team's HTML file using their individual branch.
  • When merge conflicts arise, pair program locally to resolve them.



There should be one forked repository. Each person will create their own ticket and their own branch.

Create a fork from the Git merge conflicts repository to work on your own Git repo.

Following ticket-based engineering principles, complete the following steps to begin work:

  1. Create a new ticket as a Product Backlog Item in ADO Boards within the Dojo Sandbox under the Git Merge Conflicts lab feature. You can copy/paste the ticket details from the feature.

  2. Create your branch in your forked repository and link it to your work item

  3. Clone your repository and checkout your branch