Add the Resource Group

An Azure resource group (docs) is a collection of resources that fundamentally share the same lifecycle in a specific data center region. All resources created in Azure need to live inside a resource group.

Following the Terraform documentation for resource groups, our azurerm_resource_group resource needs a name and location definition. We will use the pre-defined RG-Dojo-Sandbox in the Central US region.

Although Terraform has the capability to dynamically create resource groups, currently requires that these are created through a request-approval process.

Write the Terraform to provision a resource group with the above values for the name and region. Give the resource the label dojo_resource_group

Hint: sample Resource Group answer code
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "dojo_resource_group" {
  name     = "RG-Dojo-Sandbox"
  location = "Central US"
This will cause an intentional error!

We introduce an intentional error by using a resource block for Azure RGs. Teams do not have permission to provision Resource Groups, they will need to reference an existing one. Make sure to update with a data block to deploy resources!

"azurerm_resource_group" "dojo_resource_group" {
  name     = "RG-Dojo-Sandbox"