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What is a log

A log is a file that records every series of events that happens within software or on a system.

Why Logging

Logging is meant to help groups identify errors in their code or in their system. The best practice is to set up logging as soon as the dev environment. Logging setup and configuration will depend upon the type of application (traditional vs container). Having things like log level configured for lower environments ensures you are receiving as much information as possible. However, always keep in mind

  • ☒ Expensive at scale
  • ☑ Unsampled
  • ☑ Immune to high cardinality

DOs and DON'Ts * Favor structured data * Don't sample * Don't block for log delivery (backpressure is bad) * Build vs Build ==> ELK/EFK vs Splunk

Elastic Stack Architecture

  • Fluentd - process logs from each node
  • Elasticsearch - store logs as documents
  • Kibana - query/visualize logs

Kiaana Console