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What are Conventional Commits?

Conventional Commits is a simple yet powerful specification for creating standardized commit messages. It provides a set of rules for structuring commit messages in a consistent format, making it easier to understand the purpose and scope of each change. By adhering to these conventions, developers can streamline their workflow, improve collaboration, and automate various aspects of the development process.

Anatomy of a Conventional Commit Message

A typical Conventional Commit message consists of a concise, structured format that conveys essential information about the nature of the change. The format generally follows this pattern:

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

  • Type: Describes the kind of change being made (e.g., feat, fix, chore, docs, style, refactor, test).
  • Scope (optional): Indicates the scope or component of the codebase affected by the change.
  • Description: Provides a brief summary of the change in imperative mood (e.g., "add feature", "fix bug", "update documentation").
  • Body (optional): Offers additional details about the change, including motivation, context, and any related issues.
  • Footer (optional): Contains any relevant metadata, such as references to associated tasks, issues, or breaking changes.

Benefits of Conventional Commits

Adopting Conventional Commits offers several benefits for developers and teams:

  • Clarity and Consistency: By following a standardized format, commit messages become more uniform and easier to comprehend, enhancing readability and maintainability.

  • Automated Release Notes: Tools and services can parse Conventional Commit messages to automatically generate release notes, changelogs, and version bumping, saving time and effort for developers.

  • Improved Collaboration: Consistent commit messages facilitate smoother collaboration among team members, enabling better understanding of changes and smoother code reviews.

  • Semantic Versioning: Conventional Commits aligns with Semantic Versioning principles, allowing automated determination of version increments based on the types of changes introduced.

How to Get Started with Conventional Commits

Implementing Conventional Commits in your workflow is straightforward:

  • Choose a Commit Message Convention: Select a set of conventions that best suit your project's needs. The Angular convention is a popular choice but feel free to customize it to fit your team's preferences.

  • Enforce Commit Message Standards: Utilize tools or hooks (e.g., Git hooks, linters, commitizen) to enforce adherence to the chosen conventions, ensuring consistency across your codebase.

  • Leverage Automation: Explore integrations with CI/CD pipelines, version control systems, and project management tools to automate tasks such as generating release notes and managing versioning.

  • Educate and Encourage Adoption: Educate your team about the benefits of Conventional Commits and provide guidance on incorporating them into their daily workflow. Encourage feedback and iteration to refine the process over time.

For more information

go to Creative Commons' Conventional Commits


Conventional Commits offer a straightforward yet powerful approach to improving code collaboration and streamlining the development process. By adopting a standardized format for commit messages, teams can enhance clarity, automate repetitive tasks, and foster a culture of effective communication. Whether you're a solo developer or part of a large team, integrating Conventional Commits into your workflow can help elevate the quality and efficiency of your software development efforts.