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Within Snyk, there are Org Admin and Collaborator roles. In addition to managing settings and users, Org Admins are responsible to monitor Snyk usage and prioritize issues based on scan results. Everyone else on the team will be a Collaborator with sufficient permissions to test, view projects, and analyze results. Refer to [PE documentation](( update link for details on responsibilities.

Snyk in SDLC


Snyk organizes a team's Git repositories under an organization. A Git repo is considered a target. However, the primary artifact Snyk watches are individual projects.

Each manifest in a target repository is considered a single project. Often a single target repository may contain multiple projects (ex: a microservice may have a build.gradle and a Dockerfile, which would be two projects).

Link to deck: Snyk for Developers update link

Offboarding to Veracode

While you are onboarding to Snyk, many teams will use this time to offboard from Veracode update link. Submit a PE request in Slack and remove the logic in any existing pipelines or workflows.


  • Ensure team members are added to org Okta update with client link.
  • The next section will ensure repos are added to Snyk via SCM integration for daily scans.
  • Additional organization configurations can be set. For example, automated PRs or Jira integrations.

Reference documentation